So, Charlie's cousin Kristen got married this past Saturday. She asked me to snap some shots at the wedding and I was MORE than happy to do it! I had SO much fun! Thanks Kristin!! The wedding was georgeous and such a sweet ceremony! Congrats Kristin & Johnny!! We are so excited for yall!! Here are just a few of the shots I got...
So, Saturday I got to meet this fun couple and snap some shots before they headed off to their prom. Unfortunately we had a time constraint so we had to work fast....but we still had fun! Here is what we got!! Thanks guys! Hope yall had a blast!
So, yesterday we had a Spaghetti Lunch at the hospital to raise money for Relay for Life! We did really well! Here are some pics of lunch...we had TONS of spaghetti sauce AND noodles!! Thanks to all that helped!! And the coke is Leigh's...shhh! Thats for you Leigh!! :)
So I finally got my flash!! Im so excited....a dear photog friend said I would love it and oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Just got it yesterday and took some pics of Belle (charlie was making her practice her sit, lay down, stay and I jumped on the photo opt) you can tell in some of the pics she is less than thrilled...she usually runs from my camera!! Haha, she is a mess...anyways, here are a few of my pretty puppy! Have an awesome day!! Check out our fam blog for some cool sunset pics
Better late than never right? So my mother-in-law and I went to the Masters on Tuesday....we had a lovely time although it was FREEZING! Its just so breathtaking to see behind those fences on Washington Road! You forget you are in Augusta, Ga. Anyways, here are a few pics!!
So I had the opportunity to spend some time with sweet baby Jackson Lee! He is such a sweet baby...and very active for being so young!! He made me miss my days as a Baby Nurse!!! We did a newborn session yesterday and here is what we got....
So, we had the pleasure of attending Bishops 2nd birthday party Sat...we had a blast. Bishops mommy asked me to take some pictures for her and of course I had tons of fun! It was such a beautiful day!! Here are some from the party. Enjoy!
I am just starting my career as an on location photographer; however, photography has always been a huge part of my life. Now, I am having so much fun pursuing this passion as well as creating wonderful heirlooms for you and your family! Thanks for visiting my blog!